Dianne Feinstein should be charged with obstruction and pain and suffering and whatever else applies (politics)

by Snowbound to politics (+98|-1)

I hope feinstien lives long enough to be hung as a traitor. (politics)

 by whatisbestinlife to politics (+91|-3)

Dianne Feinstein Calls Christine Ford a Liar - QUICK! Cover your ass!

Dianne Feinstein Calls Christine Ford a Liar - QUICK! Cover your ass! (redstate.com)

by BentAxel to politics (+54|-1)

Christine Blasey Ford (((Psychologist))) And Sen. Dianne Feinstein (((demoncrap))) Have RAPED Judge Brett Kavanaugh's reputation.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (((demoncrap))) Have RAPED Judge Brett Kavanaugh's reputation. (files.catbox.moe)

by whatisbestinlife to politics (+33|-1)

Brilliant Ted Cruz hits a home run slamming Feinstein for poor morals and underhanded duplicitness. (therightscoop.com)

 by beece to news (+8|-0)

Bombshell WSJ Story Confirms "Systematic And Methodical" Chinese Theft Of US Trade Secrets by Dianne Feinstein's business associates (zerohedge.com)

 by kalgon to news (+7|-0)